Email us
If you have a question or feedback please email and we will endeavour to get back to you within 48 hours. Please provide as much detail as possible in your email, including your order number (if relevant). Please also include your best contact telephone number.
Frequently Asked Questions
Before you get in touch, we might have answered your question below.
Can I alter my order once it’s been confirmed?
Unfortunately once an order has been confirmed we are unable to change or add to it. To avoid disappointment, please ensure to review your cart before completing your transaction. If you wish to cancel your order, please contact info@rockyourbaby.com
When is a size/product coming back into stock?
We know how disappointing it can be to find an item you love is no longer available. Due to various factors, including time constraints involved in manufacturing, we generally don’t re-order sold out sizes or styles. To avoid disappointment and make you online shopping experience easier,
we recommend that you refine your search on the left side of each page so you will only see products available in your chosen size.
When will the look book drop?
We always aim to release a collection look book the weekend before a collection drops! Keep an eye on our socials and emails for the announcements.
I’d love to collab with Rock Your Baby!
We thank you for the love of our brand! We open our collabs on a seasonal basis, though due to the high level of collab requests we will reach out to content creators.